Sunday, June 19, 2011

Yesterday, or I guess you could say, this morning, I had the traumatic experience of thinking all of my artwork was ruined. Okay, so it all started two days ago. I was up on my roof and left my sketchbook up there, I had gotten off the roof and went to sleep. I went up yesterday and hung out for awhile, then got off the roof. Last night I was sleeping on the screened porch and at ABOUT 4:45 AM (!) it started raining!!!! And I realized that I had probably left it up on the roof. Then, after some terrible panic, I realized it was on my dresser. I was SO,SO,SO,SO glad it didn't get ruined... I was glad that it wasn't ruined ,ofcourse, but then, very irritated that I hadn't noticed it before when I was looking out my window looking for it. I will post MANY,MANYdrawings VERY,VERY soon. Buh-bye!

1 comment:

  1. hii. thanx for following. :D i love your other posts xD
