Saturday, June 11, 2011

Hi everybody! Yesterday, I finished the 8th book of Chibi Vampire, and I really liked it. I think I should start drawing more manga though... I've been reading manga and not doing much else. I have more artwork than what I've posted, so don't worry about that! I really like seeing how it turns out in the end. My brother was telling me the other day that I should start writing my own manga book, but I said that I probably wasn't going to very soon (-....-) I really want to though! I think it would be cool, but I need to learn more, I think, about drawing manga.
Well, that's what I have to say for today, so
buh-bye! (^.^)/

I'll post more drawings soon!


  1. YOU SHOULD DRAW! I rarely ever see other bloggers being artists, I only know of 1-2 :/ and starting a manga would be cool!! you gotta have it well planned out tho, I seen some DA artists published their own manga and it's not uncommon at all! it just cost some money to print the book but you can sell it and stuff :3

  2. Thanks! Yeah, I actually have some ideas for manga books of my own, so it's kinda cool to think I could write a book! Even if it doesn't end up on the market! (*.*)

  3. Okay, it says I posted this at 3:32pm, but I really posted it 5:32pm. (>.<) Frustration!!!!
