Friday, June 10, 2011

Yesterday I went to this bookstore that I love going to. It has a bunch of manga and that's where I found the series ,Chibi Vampire. I just got this book called Kashimashi and it's about this guy who gets turned into a girl by aliens (I know what you're thinking. "WEIRD! ALIENS?!You've gotta be kidding me!" But, actually, it's really good so far). He was walking in the forest when an alien space ship crushes his body, so they feel bad about it and stuff, so they try to repair him, but mess up really badly! It's been really funny so far, but also kinda sad, but also really happy! :) I just got it yesterday and I already read, like, 3 quarters of it. It's one of the thicker books, too. If there's a second one, I want it. (^.^)/

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