Sunday, June 19, 2011

Yesterday, or I guess you could say, this morning, I had the traumatic experience of thinking all of my artwork was ruined. Okay, so it all started two days ago. I was up on my roof and left my sketchbook up there, I had gotten off the roof and went to sleep. I went up yesterday and hung out for awhile, then got off the roof. Last night I was sleeping on the screened porch and at ABOUT 4:45 AM (!) it started raining!!!! And I realized that I had probably left it up on the roof. Then, after some terrible panic, I realized it was on my dresser. I was SO,SO,SO,SO glad it didn't get ruined... I was glad that it wasn't ruined ,ofcourse, but then, very irritated that I hadn't noticed it before when I was looking out my window looking for it. I will post MANY,MANYdrawings VERY,VERY soon. Buh-bye!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Sometime this month, I will probably get to have an anime party with my bestfriend! It will be awesome, I'm pretty sure. She knows some anime movies, but I don't really know many. If you have any suggestions for movies we should watch for celebrating my b-day, comment below, please!
Look! It looks like a sleeping monster!
Crazy monster!

I just wanted to say that. :)

Saturday, June 11, 2011

When I post something, it says that I posted it about 2 hours earlier than I really did. Just to let ya know ;)

Here are some pics of Chibi Vampire characters :) And the one where Karin and Kenta are kissin', I don't know if someone drew that and I don't know who's it is, I just found it on the internet. Comment! (^.^)/
Hi everybody! Yesterday, I finished the 8th book of Chibi Vampire, and I really liked it. I think I should start drawing more manga though... I've been reading manga and not doing much else. I have more artwork than what I've posted, so don't worry about that! I really like seeing how it turns out in the end. My brother was telling me the other day that I should start writing my own manga book, but I said that I probably wasn't going to very soon (-....-) I really want to though! I think it would be cool, but I need to learn more, I think, about drawing manga.
Well, that's what I have to say for today, so
buh-bye! (^.^)/

I'll post more drawings soon!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Here's a picture of the 3 main characters in Kashimashi. (^-^)
Yesterday I went to this bookstore that I love going to. It has a bunch of manga and that's where I found the series ,Chibi Vampire. I just got this book called Kashimashi and it's about this guy who gets turned into a girl by aliens (I know what you're thinking. "WEIRD! ALIENS?!You've gotta be kidding me!" But, actually, it's really good so far). He was walking in the forest when an alien space ship crushes his body, so they feel bad about it and stuff, so they try to repair him, but mess up really badly! It's been really funny so far, but also kinda sad, but also really happy! :) I just got it yesterday and I already read, like, 3 quarters of it. It's one of the thicker books, too. If there's a second one, I want it. (^.^)/

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

On this blog, I don't only  want to show my progress in manga, but I also would like to talk about manga series that I'm liking, and I'd love to get books recommended to me :)
One series that I am really liking is Chibi Vampire. It's about a highschool girl that is a vampire, but instead of taking blood from humans, she actually makes blood! Once a month she has a blood increase and if she doesn't inject the blood into someone, she has an intense nosebleed and passes out from blood loss. The part I'm really liking in this series is that the person she is starting to love, is the person that she can't be around sometimes. It's kinda romantic :) She sometimes can't be around him because he is her taste in blood. Misfortune. But, something is keeping her from biting him... love? Find out!!!!!! I'm on the 6th book and it's SUCH a cliffhanger at the end!!!!!!! I'm dying to read the next book! Comment! :)
Here are my eyes that I've drawn. I drew them from Manga Mania Romance and Manga Mania Girl Power. I've been drawing from these books and they're really awesome drawing books that I still want to draw more from. Comment on what ya think! :)

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Hi, I'm a beginning manga artist and I'm excited to show my progress (in manga drawing) on this blog. Here are some of my drawings that I've sketched from the book "Manga Moods" by Saori Takarai.