Thursday, October 20, 2011

Hi! :)

I haven't been on for a really long time 'cause my computer was broken :( I've read a bunch of manga since I posted last time :) I'll probably post some quick stuff about them soon. Well, that's what I wanted to say, so see ya!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Manga and Anime Post

I think my next post will be some pics of manga that I am liking and maybe some pictures from the animes I want to watch or already am watching. If anyone would like to suggest a certain manga or anime you want me consider checking out, comment please! (If you suggest an anime, I could probably look it up online and watch it, but maybe some I can't.)

Also, here's my awesome rabbit, Shadow :)


Friday, August 19, 2011

NEW DRAWINGS!!! (^.^)/

Here are some new drawings I've done recently. Again, really sorry about not posting for awhile, but the good thing is that I have done more drawings in the time I wasn't posting:) The reason I didn't post for awhile was because, well... I was being lazy. So, now I'm back with a bunch of new practice drawings and I hope you like them and stuff.

Here are the books that I use for most of these drawings. Also, I used some of Mark Crilley's Youtube vids. So, check 'em out if you want to learn to draw some manga characters :)

Here are some drawings I looked at and learned how to draw from Mark Crilley's Youtube videos.

The girl holding a fourleaf clover is from this series called "Yotsuba". I really recomend the series. I'm on the 4th one right now. The girl holding a rabbit is a drawing that's not done yet. I'm really excited for some comments about these :) Comment and follow, please (^.^)/

Friday, July 1, 2011

I'm SO sorrrrrry!!!!!

I have not been posting for a while, I'm really sorry to the people that have read this blog and stuff and they haven't gotten to see some stuff other than the, like, 11 of my posts so far. I'm seriously gonna start posting more!

*looks determined*

You will be seeing more posts soon...  (-......-)

On a lighter note, I had the anime party with my friend and we watched Spirited Away. It was awesome.As I predicted. I love that movie. I think I watched it when I was younger and the part that I've remembered my entire life was when the one guy that turns fatter 'cause he eats alot and he's also the spirit that was nice to the main character (can't remember her name).It was something that I had for some reason remembered a while. It's not like it was really creepy or anything...... hmmmm....

But, anyway, I just finished the first book of Black Bird. I'm gonna read the next one, I think. My liking of manga is starting to be a bit expensive. Not that the books are over priced, it's just that I buy manga alot. It's been mostly what I've been reading lately. This is a really long post for me, I think.

I'll show more of my artwork soon. Also this blog has sorta turned into not just, like, an artwork blog, but also a manga/anime (I think it will start turning into that when I watch more anime)/drawing manga blog.

Buh-bye! (^.^)/

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Yesterday, or I guess you could say, this morning, I had the traumatic experience of thinking all of my artwork was ruined. Okay, so it all started two days ago. I was up on my roof and left my sketchbook up there, I had gotten off the roof and went to sleep. I went up yesterday and hung out for awhile, then got off the roof. Last night I was sleeping on the screened porch and at ABOUT 4:45 AM (!) it started raining!!!! And I realized that I had probably left it up on the roof. Then, after some terrible panic, I realized it was on my dresser. I was SO,SO,SO,SO glad it didn't get ruined... I was glad that it wasn't ruined ,ofcourse, but then, very irritated that I hadn't noticed it before when I was looking out my window looking for it. I will post MANY,MANYdrawings VERY,VERY soon. Buh-bye!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Sometime this month, I will probably get to have an anime party with my bestfriend! It will be awesome, I'm pretty sure. She knows some anime movies, but I don't really know many. If you have any suggestions for movies we should watch for celebrating my b-day, comment below, please!